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Black Ops 6 Size

Black Ops 6 File Size Could Be a Whopping 300GB

Bad News for Gamers: Black Ops 6 File Size Could Be Massive

Prepare for a Massive Download: Black Ops 6 May Require 300GB of Storage Space

In what could be disappointing news for gamers, the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 may require a staggering amount of storage space to run. According to the official store listing for the game, Black Ops 6 is expected to be a massive download, clocking in at a whopping 309.85 GB.

This would make Black Ops 6 one of the largest games ever released, and it could be a significant issue for gamers who have limited storage space on their consoles or PCs. For comparison, the previous game in the series, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, had a file size of around 120 GB.

The large file size of Black Ops 6 is likely due to the game's ambitious scope. Black Ops 6 is said to feature a cinematic single-player campaign, a best-in-class multiplayer experience, and a new cooperative mode called "Zombies." The game will also feature a wide range of weapons, vehicles, and maps.

While the large file size of Black Ops 6 may be disappointing news for some gamers, it is important to remember that the game is still in development. The file size could change before the game's release, and it is possible that the developers will find ways to reduce the game's size without sacrificing quality.
